Do Not Be Lacking in Zeal

“Listen, there’s nothing wrong with zeal when you’re zealous for God’s good purpose.” -Galatians 4:18a (the voice)

When we say, “I will support you no matter what you choose to do,” I wonder to what extent we mean that. Are we counting on knowing the person so well that they will do something good, are we slightly guilting them to push them towards what they know is right to do, or are we honestly just saying, whatever is is, I will support you.

I see a danger in this statement if it’s either of the last two. For one, guilt is not a good thing, people have told me it is, and from all I’ve done in my life and how much I’ve changed, guilt has only held me back from growing. When the leper asked Jesus to heal him, did Jesus respond, “first look at all you’ve done against me so that you may see why you are not worthy of being healed”? No. Jesus said, “pick up your mat and walk.”

Where do we get off seeing guilt as a good thing which Jesus does not ever impose it on us. I can understand how if someone is constantly doing something wrong and does not want to fix their problems, then they need a little guilt. But why should someone who feels bad from their past and wants to change, be held in that place and continue to suffer. Set them free.

To the idea of honestly saying whatever it is, I will support you. People say that they like to support people in places that they are passionate, but can there be a danger depending on where that passion lies? I would like to name off a few zealous people: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Kony, Fred Phelps…do I need to continue? Zeal is great, but like Paul says in Galatians, when it’s for God’s good purpose. Don’t misread the idea of zeal to be, catch on fire with something, run, and enjoy it. Rather, stop, drop, and roll if the idea sucks and is not for God, but run with it if it is.

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